Public realm and retail

Public realm and landscaping
The updated plans focus on creating vibrant, welcoming public spaces and improved pedestrian movement. From green areas to new public squares, the development is designed to foster community connections and provide more accessible routes

A new public square

The new public square is conceived as a green sanctuary, offering a peaceful retreat from the energy of the town centre. It provides a welcoming space for local to gather and socialise in a relaxed, natural setting.

Framed by a cloister-like colonnade, the square is proposed to be animated by a diverse range of cafés and retail.

A new civic space

As part of the response to the feedback we received, we have enhanced the tree provision through the site and looked at retaining as many of the existing trees as possible.


A new civic space is proposed which will be a place of arrival where visitors can meet and gather before visiting the cultural venue.

New pedestrian routes

The updated plans enhance pedestrian permeability throughout the site by creating new routes

Ground floor plan and cross section of the proposed scheme

Neighbourhood retail
The proposed ground floor is designed to host a range of retail units, restaurants and cafés, creating a neighbourhood destination to complement the new Elephant and Castle town centre rather than compete with it.
The retail and cafés will line the new public square, with colonnaded spaces for outdoor seating, as well as a landscaped square for people to stop, relax, socialise and enjoy
Neighbourhood retail

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